
The biggest of all fruit borne on a tree is the mighty jackfruit: some fruits grow to 30kg or more, with each tree able to produce 100 to 200 fruit a year! A native to South India (Artocarpus Heterophyllus), it’s a relative to the fig, mulberry and breadfruit. This is quite an incredible fruit, known as a multiple fruit which is made up of hundreds of thousands of individual flowers - it's the fleshy petals known as 'avrils' that you eat, and the seeds.

So the question is what do you do with a 30kg fruit? There are heaps of options and ways of eating this giant of a fruit. First, when the fruit is unripe or green, it is used widely throughout Asia in curries, as the flesh has a meat-like consistency. When staying at Wildwood it is great to pop down to Mason's Café for a delicious BBQ pulled jackfruit burger.... it's a vegan’s dream! When the fruit is ripe the flavour is vaguely similar to a sweet bubblegum/mango/banana. Here at Cape Trib Exotic Fruit farm we like to dry the sweet flesh to make a healthy snack that lasts for ages. Or make a jackfruit honey that is great for baking or pancakes. The seeds can also be boiled and roasted and taste great, a bit like roasted chestnuts.